Thursday, August 18, 2011

Working for the Weekend

This weekend cannot possibly come quick enough. I'm beyond ready to for the pool day/margarita day. However, this rain EVERYDAY is literally putting a damper on my plans. Hopefully it stops raining by Saturday. 

After getting burnt by the pool, I'll be going to a comedy show with these lovely ladies and their men:

So excited.

The local comedy club gave my company free tickets! Woo-hoo. This will be a fun triple date. I love nothing more than a fun night with good friends, especially if the main attraction is free!! I haven't been to a comedy show in years so it will be a change from the normal weekend routine. 

So rain, please get your act together before the weekend. I have plans that call for beautiful weather. k? Thanks!


  1. Sounds like you're going to have a fun weekend!! Have a margarita for me. :)

  2. Sounds like a very fun weekend!! I live in Boca Raton FL, what part of FL are you from??

    Dont forget to come by my blog, and enter to win a Coach wristlet!
