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Luckily for Wyatt, Papa moved back to Orlando and his boss is Mickey. Therefore Wyatt was spoiled with a little visit to Magic Kingdom to celebrate turning 1.
(ignore the shoes - he was just learning how to walk)
Jason and I haven't been to disney in years, so we planned to try and take it slow. I've clearly never been with a child of my own, so I had no clue what to expect. Thankfully we're able to go pretty easily being Floridians so we didn't have to pack everything into one day. Our goal was three rides and to see Mickey.
We made it through the 3 rides, grabbed lunch, stumbled upon a parade and somehow Wyatt fell into a nap. Jason and I dodge the heat for AC and waited near the Mickey line for him to wake.
Wyatt was still a little groggy waking up, but he sure didn't miss his opportunity to give his pal Mickey a little high five.
Caroline enjoyed her first visit too ;), but I'm sure she'll enjoy her next one even more.
Words cannot express how FUN it was to hear those three little words. <3
Back in March, for my birthday, Jason purchased a Groupon for a home cleaning service. After numerous (EIGHT) attempts to use it, I gave up. And those Groupon bucks just sat in my account.
Well right around Labor Day I received an email from Groupon about their sales. And at the top of that email? 3D Gender sneak peek for 15, YES! I quickly used my Groupon bucks and scheduled my appointment.
We went down that day anxious (and me, with a full bladder - you have to basically drink an ocean to see a baby..or something like that!). Jason and I decided to find out together, in that room. We were heading out of town the following weekend, so we just decided to have family over for BBQ the day after! :)
As we sat in the room SO many thoughts went through my head. Jason was convinced it was a boy..and I was hanging on home it was a girl. The tech? Didn't say a peep. She saw us joke with eachother, overheard our comments (and our bet) and had no emotion on her face. None. Actually, pretty positive she was a robot at this point.
But about 20 minutes later she showed us what she was looking at - and right then and there, I KNEW it was a girl. Happy Tears, clapping, arm pumping all of that happened (from me!), while Jason sat there figuring out how he's going to afford to spoil 2 ladies in his life.
Like I mentioned the next day some of our family members and close friends came over for a quick dinner and surprise. I purchased cute little poppers from Etsy and Jason and I practiced on the blue ones to make sure we could do them right :) Thank goodness, because it was perfect:
Our family was beginning to be complete:
So I'm really delayed in this, I've been swept up in live. However, I used this blog as a diary and I desperately want to remember these times.

How far along:
22 Weeks
Baby Size:
She is the size of a Squash <3
Weight gain:
5 so far.
Maternity clothes:
Oh yeah, just a little secret..I've been wearing Maternity jeans since my last pregnancy. Elastic waist bands FTW!
Stretch marks:
No new ones. Just my left over stripes from Wy
Pretty decent.
Best moment this week:
Thanksgiving! :)
Looking forward to:
Spending time with Family and the Holidays!
What I miss:
If we're being honest...Champagne!
Oh yeah! She's a little active one!
Food cravings:
It's very specific depending on the day.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
A GIRL - I'm gonna do an update on our Gender Day! :)
Labor Signs:
Killer pelvic pain, a big ol' round belly and the normal fun pregnancy hormones
Belly Button in or out? It's still a smidge in :)
Wedding rings on or off? On
Super excited!!!
We were looking at houses for a bit, but we've decided to make this one work for a while. Which means Man Cave = out // Nursery = in. And a whole to-do list that goes along with it. The good news is our crib and mattress just arrived, so we're makin' moves!