Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend by the Water

This weekend flew by. Jason's mom had a condo over at Port Canaveral for the week, we stopped by on Saturday to take advantage of the beautiful day.
I spent my day floating down the lazy river and drinking Sangria from a bag. Class act, right here.

Living the life I tell ya!
We were supposed to head home on Sunday morning, but they wanted to take us out deep sea fishing. Ready for the shock of your life?
This florida girl, who's family owns a fish market has never been fishing.
We took them up on this adventure and headed out Sunday morning to catch some fishy's.

All of the ones I caught were out of season, so we had to throw them back. It was still so much fun! That sunburn though, not so much fun. The Lazy river won that round.
I'm ready for you Monday.


  1. Ok basically adult capri suns. LOVE IT and I will be on the hunt for those starting right now

  2. Frozen Sangria in bag? That has to be the best invention. EVER.

  3. you've never been fishing!?!?
