Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Recent Recipe faves

A few weeks ago my mom was coming into town to stay with me for the night. On her way in, she sent me the hands-down best text ever...and it goes a little something like this:

"Going to Costco...Would you like anything?"

Once I stopped jumping for joy, I put in an order for any meat that we can freeze.  We've been home-cooking it up, so I'm figured I'd share some Pinterest recipes that are now personal residents in our house!

Stuffed Peppers:
We had this last night and holy amazzzzing! It's so easy, delicious and most importantly fills up Jason.

Garlic Lime Marinated Pork Chops:
Another easy meal, It's done in about 30 minutes and it's so flavorful. I'm mildly obsessed with Skinnytaste

Chicken with Lemon, Green Beans (and Potatoes):
Honestly, we usually do this dish sans potatoes - weird, right? We made this a few months back and it's a steady favorite of ours!

Do you have any go-to recipes in your house?


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