Friday, September 16, 2011

Where has this week gone?

Oh, boy!

This has been one cray-cray week. I don't even know where it has gone. I have a TON on projects at work that need attention and I've been picking up shifts at the other job.

Hallelujah for Hess Gas Stations with Dunkin' Donuts

This little buddy has given me the energy to power through my morning routine. I wish that there was an actual D&D close to me. I love their French Vanilla flavored coffee. But, I won't lie-Hess's version of D&D is right on! Today will be another 14 hr day for me, so I'll need all of this caffeine and then some..

I'm hoping this weekend will be a low-key one, filled with movies and sleep. I want to see all three of these movies,
In no particular order...

Gosh, how cute is Lion King. It's one of my favorite Disney Classics. I actually haven't seen a movie in 3D just yet, I honestly avoided them. But, this one I'm seeing. Maybe I can bring my nephews with me so I don't look like a loser 26-year old reliving her childhood.

Hope ya'll have a fantastic weekend. 
Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze some more posting time in soon.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

10 Day You Challenge: Day 2 and I

Don't just love finally being able to sleep in, only to wake up even earlier than you normally do? It was all thanks to this little guy

It's his first time in my Mom's new beach house and he doesn't know what to do with himself. I bought him a bone to calm down, but he keeps running from one end of the house to the other. Trying to find a safe place to hide it. It cracks me up.

Let's wrap up this challenge.

Day 2: two songs (these change daily)

1. God Gave me You- Blake Shelton. 

2. Love on Top-Beyonce.

Day 1: one picture

Love him :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

10 Day Challenge: Day 8

Let's make this one short and simple, I've got a girl's wine night to attend to.

Today's topic is three films and I'm half tempted just to do the remaining three to be done with this challenge, but alas I'll stick to the rules. 

Three Films
These three are my top three girly movies.

1. Sweet Home Alabama. 

I just LOVE this movie, I can watch it every single time its on TV. I laugh, I cry, I love Reese Witherspoon. It just makes me so happy. Jason loves this movie too, so I'm lucky that he enjoys to watch it just as much.

2. Steel Magnolias. 

This is just one of my all time favorite movies. I remember watching this with my Momma when I was a kid.

3. League of their Own

Ah, this movie just makes me so happy. Jason recorded it for me a few weeks ago and it made my week. I'm currently singing "We are the members of the All American Team..." as I'm writing this post.

Anyone else excited that it's almost Labor Day Weekend?