Oy! What a roller coaster of emotions this dress shopping has been. We decided to go dress shopping the day after my Engagement Party. I clearly wasn't thinking about how much champagne + beer + wine would effect me.
We went, we shopped, I got sick, we bought. It was quick, almost rushed. I got home and immediately regretted my decision. The dress we bought was gorgeous. It was light, summery, fitted and lace. The problem? It was completely different than what I had always envisioned of my dress. While I felt beautiful, I didn't feel like a bride. It didn't feel like it was my special dress, I really felt like I was in a Maxi dress.
I immediately called David's Bridal, the lady said the manager was busy and would need to call me back. As I waited and kept replaying everything over and over in my head. I watched the latest episode of Say Yes to the Dress. For some reason, it made me cry. It further confirmed that I needed a train and I needed a Wedding Gown. I wanted to feel like a bride. My consultant was the one who called back (about an hour later) and she simply said "Come back in this week, let's do this again and we'll exchange the dress-no problem"
Last night, my mom and I headed back out to David's Bridal. This time with a list of ideas and more importantly no alcohol lingering in the blood stream. We tried on dozens and dozens of dresses. But, we kept coming back to the first dress I tried on. It was a mix between the dress we had bought on Sunday and the dress in my little girl dreams.
It was beautiful and more importantly: I felt like a bride!