Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesdays

I'm loving that this is my very first linkup, on my very first blog-maybe I'll even get my very first follower :)

I'm loving that my Red Bull is single-handly keeping me awake. I was dreading waking up today. Hooray for Humpday!

I'm loving that tonight I will be having dinner with my mam. It will be fun to just sit and talk about all of the exciting things happening in the next few weeks. She's buying a beach house, so we get to talk about decorating!

I'm loving that my dog has gotten used to my morning routine. Probably better than I have. He used to sleep through me leaving, just sticking his head out of the covers when I closed the door. Now, he realizes he gets to eat if he gets up with me. So, as soon as I come out of the bathroom after doing my makeup and hair. He leaps off the bed and goes to the door. He knows it's his time to go outside and say "Hi" to the neighborhood. Once I'm dressed, he happily comes inside and is ready to EAT (his favorite part). Then he runs back in the bedroom, jumps on the bed and goes back to sleep. He is a smart pup!
Isn't he the CUTEST?

I'm loving that this Saturday I will be surrounded by friends and family. Celebrating our engagement, having a good time and drinking lots of this:


  1. First, your blog is so cute! :) Love all of your loves! Have a great Wednesday!

  2. Congrats on getting engaged! That is so exciting. And any excuse for champagne is a good one. Your blog is adorable, I do think you need a follower though. So, I'll help you out with that. LOL

  3. Fun post and I am loving your blog,too cute!

  4. I wish my pup would get used to my morning routine! Patience! lol

  5. Have so much fun celebrating your enagement! And, red bull is kind of one of the best things in the world :) You definitely have a lot of awesome things to be lovin'!
