Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Feels like Christmas Morning

I'm not quite sure why I have a giddy-excited feeling, I feel like I'm finally coming out of this funk I have been in lately. At least I hope I am. You know what stinks about those types of funks? I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what is going. How am I supposed to be happy if I can't figure out why I'm sad? I woke up today and said a little blessing for what I'm grateful for today. I'm not sure if it was me putting a positive spin on my agony mornings or not, but I'm having a wonderful day so far...

Anyways, back to the whole Christmas morning talk. I'm am so so excited for tonight, Monday, and next weekend. I feel like I have things to look forward to (again), and it feels great.

I'm looking forward to watching this tonight with my hunny:

Aaah! I not only love those two but, I'm extremely excited to see Mr. and Mrs. Blake Shelton. I can't get enough of them. I'm going to scour Pinterest for a Country themed (low-carb..ugh Wedding diet) dinner for tonight. Am I the only one who loves to theme their dinner? 

I'm looking forward to next Monday night as it is the final night of our Church's pre-marital counseling classes. I've actually really enjoyed doing this with Jason, it's been a great bonding experience for us. We've grown a lot in these short 8 weeks spiritually, as a couple, and as adults in general. We've talked about things that are extremely important and close to our hearts. We have really noticed how amazing it is to be on the same page with our values and views. For, that I am so Thankful.  It's just that I would really reallllly am excited to have  my Monday's back- It's hard trying to juggle everything when I have no time to do so. 

Next weekend, is Jason's 27th birthday. OLD MAN, right? 

That was from his last birthday :)

I've been thinking about gifts for him, but he's so hard to buy for. I think I've finally found something practical and that he'll love. 

Why? Because:

1. It's Camo
2. It will have the Gator logo on it.

Those two things together, will equal AWESOME in his book. 

Ladies, please keep your fingers crossed that I get my engagement pictures this week. I'm ready to show you them! 


  1. ive been in a funk too & your post reminded me to be positive. no idea why ive been in a funk, same thing as you! anyways, im excited about cma awards too & yes, i love a fun themed dinner. we used to do italian for jersey shore! ha. :)

  2. LOVE me so Blake and Miranda too!!!

    Also love me some wedding talk...and therefore can't WAIT to see your engagey pics!!
