Friday, March 14, 2014

Five on Friday

I feel like after this past week, I desperately need to remember what I'm truly thankful for. I'm linking up with for Five on Friday.

I'm so grateful for my coworkers, friends, family and amazing husband. I'm not usually lovey dovey on this blog, but I do need to brag a bit about this man of mine. He's been by my side every step of the way throughout this last week, has been a trooper with having our house invaded by legos, skateboards and smelly boys, and is still finding how to make me laugh through the tears. 

And not to be forgotten... I'm #blessed to have my coworkers who filled my desk with Cards, gifts (some did way to much, Kel-Kel and Steph), flowers and birthday decorations while I was out. My friends reminded me the importance of laughter while making sure I was celebrating my birthday for a bit on Saturday. And last but not least, my in times like these, I'm so thankful I come from a big italian family. our refrigerators were packed and our house was filled with outpouring love from everyone on of them.

(side note: I wanted to thank you for the wonderful comments on instagram and here - the blogging community is truly amazing)

I'm kind of obsessing over Jason's birthday gift to me - he gave me a gorgeous camera so we can start taking better (see also: not iPhone pictures) of our baby. It's connects to wi-fi, which I haven't figured out yet, and takes AH-MAZING pictures.

my precious nephews. We (my mom, myself and their 'father') still have to work out custody, but these little men are handling everything so well.  

I received a few Alex and Ani bracelets over the past few months and I think my obsession has officially started. Kel-Kel gifted me the Sapphire bracelet for the baby's birthstone, now we just all need to pray baby comes right on time :)
and that Kate Spade notebook, so cute!

And to end this post on a sugar high note, I have to take a second and give a little shout out to Sour Patch Kids (of the straw and extreme variety), it's probably not the best craving to have...but it is the tastiest. I can't get enough



  1. Kate, I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been praying for your family and your new little bundle of joy!

  2. Kate I have been praying for you and your sweet family all week. Sending you a big hug this Friday! XO

  3. I love your Alex and Ani girl especially the gator one...sending you hugs and prayers

  4. Wow i love your camera. That's what I want for my birthday this so my blog can finally get an upgrade instead of using iPhone photos!

  5. Stopping by from the link up...went back to look at your previous posts. I am so very sorry to hear about your loss. I will be praying for you and your family <3 *hugs*

  6. Love you, Kate!! It was a crazy week for you and I was happy to do anything to cheer you up. <3 - Kel Kel
