Tuesday, February 5, 2013

You see, what had happened was..

I had every intention on writing a blog post today. 
I surf the facebooks, twitters and the net first thing in the morning! Then that's when it happened, I came across my two favorite girls singing my favorite song.
Which made me lose all motivation today. I just want to watch them over and over again!

Oh, happy day!


  1. gah they are the cutest!! I had no idea Ellen had them on again!

  2. I'm obsessed with these girls! They are so cute!! And I love this song right now!

  3. I'm obsessed with these girls! They are so cute!! And I love this song right now!

  4. they are just a riot! too cute!

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE! Thanks for making my day, I hadn't seen that one! Did you know they have a book out? And an instagram page? I discovered their IG this weekend, nuts!

  6. Omg I love them!! I haven't seen this one yet! Made my day.

  7. They will, without a doubt, make any day a happy one. I'm off to watch every video of them right now!

  8. I just want to be Rosie. shaking her shit all over the place without a care in the world!

  9. This absolutely KILLED me yesterday! I'm creepily obsessed with them, especially Rosie the Mute, and watch their videos so many times on YouTube that I'm quite certain To Catch a Predator is gonna ring my doorbell.

    Too cute!

  10. oh my goodness!!! That song came on the radio and my sister said they were on Ellen singing it! I think they are just too cute!
