Friday, June 14, 2013

Current Obsessions

The time I've been lacking in the blog land, I've definitely been making up in the Pinterest/Etsy/Anything with a Paypal land. It's dangerous really.
Let's start with this impulse buy that I bought in .5 seconds last night.
For obvious reasons. I love wine, Jason loves whiskey, we both love Blake (and Miranda too) More importantly, it will be the perfect piece to our dining area. I've been looking for a fun print for years now. 
I'm always "Currently Obsessed" with Tory. But this phone case is bringing it to a whole 'nother level. 
Then there are these little bad boys. Monograms, Mason Jars and Pink. Which pretty much means it was made for me. Try and tell me otherwise.
To fill time in between the times I'm not pulling out my wallet or "watching" sports, I've been dying over Greg Bennet's blog. Do y'all remember him from RHONJ? Can we get him back...please, Andy Cohen?
You should stop what you're doing right now and read it. You won't be sorry.
Oh, and for my #Backthatazzup Friday Jam today, I'm jamming to my girls Rosie and Sophia Grace (and Whitney!). Princess Swagger. 



  1. I love the TB case!! It is super cute:) I am stopping by from #backthatazzup

  2. Following Greg on twitter was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Thanks for introducing me to his blog!

  3. I smile every time I see Sophia Grace and Rosie. They are too cute! Have a great weekend!

  4. Love that poster! It's such a fun song. Blake us always entertaining.

  5. I've been creeping around your blog and can I just say that I am so excited to meet a fellow Gator fan?! I'm from Gainesville (living in Orlando) so it's nice to see all that orange and blue on your blog!


  6. Kate,
    I just found your blog and I'm lovin' it! Where did you find your TB case?! I gotta have me a piece of that pretty pink, girly goodness :-)
