Monday, March 5, 2012

Fun-Filled Weekend!

Hey Ladies! It's another Monday. Am I the only one who thought this weekend flew by? At least this week will be a busy one - It's my birthday week. 


Back to this past weekend, It was a great one. Except for the fact that Jason injured himself at his basketball game on Thursday and was a gimp this whole weekend. He torn his left calf muscle, which from what I researched is a pain in the arse. Poor Guy. He has the worst luck with leg injuries.
He fought through the pain and we had such an enjoyable weekend

1. On Friday, we had a wine and cheese party at work. It was a going away/birthday celebration and it was FUN. This is one of the thousands of reasons why I love my workplace.

2. Friday Evening, Jason and I headed up to a local Irish bar. One of our friend's dad is in a Southern Rock/Oldies band that plays up their quite frequently. Since Jason was down for the count, I was dancing up a storm with the "boys". He was doing a little chair dancing too. We had a BLAST.

3. We drove by my mom's neighborhood and realized they were having their annual Chili Cookoff. I never remember about it until the last minute. I begged Jason to forget our errands and eat some chili. It work! There were around 100 tents set up with chili, beer (and wine) and live music. It was also a mini-high school reunion for us. 

4. This was my favorite chili - it was fried chili with a sour cream drizzle. Dear Jesus! If the line wasn't so long (see pic. 3) and their tent wasn't an FSU tent then I would of gone for seconds (and thirds). 

5.  After the Chili Cookoff we ran home to shower and get ready for his mom's birthday dinner at Cheesecake Factory. This is my yummy Sangria!

6. Jason and I are creature of Habits. We ordered the same appetizer, the same entrees, and same desserts as the last time we went. If it ain't broke,..! This is him with his favorite cheesecake, Banana Cream. I stuck with my old faithful, Red Velvet Cheesecake!

7. Just a picture of us at Dinner...HEYYY!

8. All of the weekend's festivities wore us out, and Bailey was more than happy with snuggling up on Sunday and having a Lazy Day. We didn't want to disappoint him, so we did just that! 

Well, It's almost 5 o'clock and I'm ready to go home to spend countless hours on Pinterest and Etsy perusing for wedding stuff!


  1. Looks like a fun weekend! Yum - that sangria looks great!!:)

  2. Couldn't agree more about the weekend FLYING by!! Looks like y'all had a good weekend...considering your fiancé's hurt calf...OW!
