Monday, March 19, 2012

Todo Listers Dream!

I am a lister, as in - I make a "todo" list for everything. Whether it is packing for vacation, grocery shopping, work, wedding, cleaning. You name it, I've written it down and crossed it off (hopefully). There is something so powerful about a completed list, words cannot express my joy

(I wish I could take a picture of the current todo list at my work, but this iPhone 3 won't cooperate with apps, so let's pretend that's mine)

I'm also a fan of the excel spreadsheets, I love a good pink highlighted cell. Here is (some of) my current Wedding todo list sheet.

not tooo shabby.

However, today I may of discovered the holy-grail of todo list organizers. 

Meet the Wunderlist

I just moved my written and excel lists into this fabulous app and I'm now able to have my lists wherever I go. PLUS, I can share my lists with my colleagues and my wedding list with my mom. Hooray for planning help!

I'm beyond obsessed with this little app, probably a little too much. Tonight I'll be uploading the wedding pictures to show you how cute our friend's wedding is. And, if you were wondering (I know you are) that is currently on my wunderlist.


  1. I am SUCH a list person too. List for this, list for that...list to MAKE a list lol. Going to check it out now!

  2. I like to make lists too! It is so much easier to remember things!

    I just found your blog today and I would love for you to check out mine and follow back! :)

  3. I tend to make a list every day. fabulous post, love. if you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my new outfit post all about giving back through fashion. xo

  4. I'm definitely going to have to download this app :) if I don't make a list I will be bound to forget something! Especially at the grocery store! There's nothing more frustrating than getting home & realizing you forgot one of the main ingredients of what you're cooking for dinner! I literally will put everything I need in a checklist on my phone & check it off once it goes in the basket. I even triple check myself! Maybe a little OCD? :)

  5. That is so nice! I am such a big lister and planner and that is absolutely perfect!


  6. I'm such a list-maker, too! I'm a little OCD, so I make lists for absolutely everything haha!

  7. SO funny because I have a list for EVERYTHING and I have to plan out everything too, my husband thinks I'm a freak (and not the good kind!!) LOL. Thanks for the tip with the app.. will def. be looking it up!
