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Yesterday was by all accounts a great day. We got to see our little one dancing all over the place in the ultrasound, I had my performance review at work and Jason was busying working on our yard at home. Today's his last day as an owner of a Landscaping business...he's moving on to bigger and better things. He spent the most of his week tying up loose ends and (most importantly to me) getting our sod and irrigation redone for the amazing discounted rate!
Happy, Happy, Joy Joy!
Until I came home and this greeted me on my back patio:
What in the What?
Of course this would happen 5 days before our party and I would catch it 20 minutes before a huge thunderstorm, while Jason was out of the house.
I had to hurry and clean up that whole mess within minutes to beat the storm. Lucky for me, I have small shards of plastic/glass in my fingers and toes to remember that fun time!
My advice is to never ever ever get a glass/plastic/whatever the top is table for your patio. Clean up is the worst!
Excuse me while I go find a new table...tears!
I really hope your mind went to B.Spears' maternity outfit at the Willie Wonka premiere.
Ok. Good.
But seriously, LOOK what we have in our hands:
I'm bursting at the seams to tear into that little precious envelope. But we're being "good" and waiting until the reveal (see also: I physically had to give it to someone so I didn't peek)
Thanks to the inspiration of the lovely Steph, I had a little fun making a chart of the old wives' tales.
It's also important to note that the Magic 8 ball on my desk thinks it's "positively" a girl. Do with that information as you wish! So, I turn to you, Blog land.
What do you think Baby M is a Girl or Boy?
How far along:
20 weeks!!
Baby Size:
Baby is the size of an banana. Mmm.
Weight gain:
I'm growing, that's for sure! My 20 week appointment is tomorrow, but I'm thinking 10ish pounds overall.
Maternity clothes:
I'm still living in Maxi dresses for the most part. But I do have a pair of jean shorts (above) and jeans!
Stretch marks:
None so far. whew!
Still loving my sleep, which starts about 9:30 each night. It's also frequently interrupted thanks to my lovely bladder.
Best moment this week:
Two things: A friend's super cute baby shower and the fact that Jason's getting so excited too. For a guy that holds his emotion, I can tell he's overcome with joy! He loves sending me pictures or quotes about parenting and talking to Baby M.
Looking forward to:
Our Gender Reveal this weekend.. I.CAN'T.WAIT.
What I miss:
Relaxing with wine! We had our quarterly company party last week and it was completely different NOT drinking. I actually played flip cup with them, with Water of course, it was still pretty fun!
Yes! A bunch and it's so neat, and so odd to feel, at the same time.
Food cravings:
I wouldn't say that I have "weird" cravings. It's mostly SPK's and Ice-cream sitting at the top of my list. Specifically, Cheesecake Ice-cream with Strawberries and Brownies mixed it from ColdStone. Jason went and got me a pint of it so I can literally stop talking about for at least a month (who am I kidding, more like a week!)
Anything making you queasy or sick:
We're so close to knowing!!!
Labor Signs:
Nope! I'll leave this one towards the end of the surveys
Dizziness. That's about it!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy and Anxious. Also, entirely overwhelmed by baby stores. I ran into Buy Buy Baby to get a friend of mine's baby shower gift. Holy anxiety attack. There are so many things! I started texted Jason with S.O.S messages right around the time I was passing the 4 rows of Car Seats. Why are there so many options?
No progress, yet! Can't wait to get started on it once we know the gender.
Monday snuck up on me, I was too busy napping during the days in between visits to the beach and pool. I definitely need more weekends at the beach, it really gives me peace of mind.
My little fur one ended up in the Emergency Vet (he's absolutely fine now), but I wasn't hating the extra cuddles he was giving to me when he was feeling off.
We went home kind of early on Sunday to get some stuff done around the house. Last night, Jason and I ordered Chinese food (then did a run for Coldstone, YES!) before settling in to watch the ACM"s. I can go on and on about how perfect Carrie Underwood was, but let's be honest...she's always perfect and to be honest the real star of the show last night was Miranda Lambert. Here are my top 5 Favorite Miranda moments from last night's show.
five. Her outfits...she brought it last night. I'm especially loving that chambray and fun fringe skirt combo.
although in all honesty I'm not entirely positive how I feel about silver boots..
four. Her love with Blake and her reaction to his monologue jokes. I just absolutely love them.
three. Her performance(s) #nailedit. I'm really loving her new song, and the performances last night make me so anxious to see her in June.
two. That pink guitar. LOVE.
one. Her "forgetting" Taylor Swift in her acceptance speech. It was a true Mean girls moment (and none for Gretchen Weiners). Of course it was a mistake, but it made my night.
Hope y'all had a great weekend. Did you watch the ACM's too?
Happy Friday, I'm way too excited for the weekend so let's just make it start now..
I found an amazing photographer for Maternity/Newborn package photos (One whose style I loveeee, mind you) on Living Social for...wait for it....$149.
One hundred forty nine doll hairs.
I was so happy, I almost cried.
Just kidding, I did cry.
via KV Photography
The beach is calling my name and I'm answering that call tonight.
I only wish our waters were that blue in Florida.
I finally got caught up on the Real Housewives reunion.
It was just so so much.
P.s. does anyone really even like Carlton?
McDonald's cokes. I know caffeine is bad, but if you're going to have a little caffeine during pregnancy I suggest using it on McDonald's cokes. I had my first caffeinated bevy on Saturday and it was like angels were singing. It's not so bad when a friend surprises you at work with one to cheer you up either.
My friend is throwing me a Gender Reveal party in May, and the invitations have been order. She gave me a little sneak peak last night via Text and I died.
Chevron and Tutus. Seriously could there be a better fit for me? It was the theme of my bachelorette party after all!
Let the countdown begin!
I have a lot on my mind lately, and I'm just going to let it all out.
Let's start with HIMYM Finale.

Seriously, disappointment. We wasted ALL season going through a wedding weekend, emphasis on the weekend part which is historically 2 days. It just dragged out throughout the entire final season. Then wam, bam, thank you ma'am we went through so many years and so many milestones in an hour. How is that okay? I was freaking out the whole time, tears were shed (especially seeing Barney and his baby), and my disappointment can in full force at the end when Ted goes after Robin. Really, guys?
Not going to lie, Jason and I sat down for dinner last night and he just blurted out "But why did they have to make Barney and Robin divorce". We probably took this way overboard, but it's what we do. This show is our first "couple" show, when we started watching this show early on when we dated and it's been with us ever since.
<rant over>
On a much sweeter note, while I may hate everything there ever was about meat, I'm loving every dessert. Specifically brownies with cheesecake, yes, yes,yes!
Here's the process. put your fork in the brownie, put the fork in the cheesecake, put the fork in your mouth
Enter happiness.
Oh also, Cupcakes are a great alternative.
Right now I'm filling my brain with counting down the days to our gender reveal plain sight on my desk.
Last but not least, I need this puppy.