Monday, November 12, 2012

A whole lotta nothing

Hey, Hey, Hey!
My weekend was glorious and uneventful. After work on Friday evening, I went out with co-workers for "a drink or two"...and then this happened.
Yup. A drunken blurry night filled with Fireball shots.
The worst part, is the Fireball shot was my idea.
This crazy night led to two full days of lounging on the couch. Filled with game-watching, DVR-clearing and Netflix-abusing. We only left the house for a few meals. 
You win, Happy Hour, You win.
Bailey enjoyed all of the naptimes.
why does he insist on acting like a cat?
This week I'm in full on Birthday Planning for one very special birthday boy:
The problem with this guy is he only "Needs" things, he doesn't ever "Want" anything. And, quite frankly getting this boy the necessities after so many years is boring.
aka: I would love to any and all gift ideas.


  1. Bailey is the cutest snuggle buddy of life.

  2. Sign #1 that we are getting old... It takes us two days to recover :)

    PS. My boyfriend is the same way.. Good luck shopping for him!

  3. Our Friday night kicked our butts too...ugh.

    Boys are SO hard. My hubs is the exact same way! We just had this convo over dinner on Saturday about what we wanted for Christmas. So difficult!

  4. Ah my dogs do the same thing! I don't get it. My husband is the same way, I get so aggravated around his birthday & Christmas! Good luck :)

  5. You should get Jason a manual of things that make you happy. That is something that he probably wants and needs ;) I think it will be a great gift for the both of you!!

  6. My dogs do the same thing! All 3 of them!

  7. Hahaha I know the feeling of happy hour turned madness. And I too, am usually the fireball shot suggester. My boyfriend never "wants" anything either. I'd say the best present I got him was a nice watch, because he didn't have a nice one and now he wears it all the time. It was one of those things he didn't know he wanted, but he did. You could always do an "event" like a mini-vacay or a show or tickets to a game?

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  8. damn it! I HATE it when happy hour wins!!!

  9. a whole lot of nothin' isn't always a bad thing! lol xoxo

  10. Drunkin blurry nights are the best. lol Hope you're doing well, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest. xo
