Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving eve, Love bugs!
I've been trying out this whole "real housewives" thing this week. I just wish I had my reality crew running around following me. Boo.

This is the time of year that we stop for a minute to give gratitude and thanks in between second helpings, football, parades and family fighting. Oh, the fighting is just in my house? dang.

This year I'm Thankful for...

A job that I love. It's a fun workplace, my co-workers are awesome, and I get to learn something everyday.

Chardonnay. Needs no explanation

Hilarious BuzzFeed articles to get me through my workdays.

Pinterest. Lord knows that I wouldn't know how to live my life without it. 

All these amazing Crockpot recipes on Pinterest. Those things make my heart go pitter patter.

Andy Cohen. Why? Because I'm pretty much obsessed with all Bravo shows and he's the mastermind behind all of the craziness. His Talk show too... WHHL has a drinking game, pretty amazing.

My beautiful friends. I've done a lot of growing this past year. Thankfully I've had a few friends that have been there every step of the way. I could not imagine my life without them.

Red Velvet Icecream. It's legit, yo!

And, my little family. I love coming home to Jason and Bailey every day.

Hope y'all have an amazing Thanksgiving. You can just call me TayTay tomorrow.



  1. I'll be Taying it up too... the fighting is totally nottt just you.

    Also, all praise Chardonnay.

  2. hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving! great list of things to be thankful for.

    fashionable footprints

  3. You forgot -

