Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Currently, I am...

I saw this post a few weeks ago on Katie & Steph's blog - it's too much fun to pass up.

Reading: Blogs are about the only thing I read now and days and I sometimes can't even manage to do that! I did pick up the amazing People issue with Justin and Jessica's wedding recently, does that count?

Thinking about: How I need to get my roots done asap. What else I should get Jason for his birthday. How disgusting these political rants are on Facebook (I can't even look anymore). How badly I want Chicken Noodle soup. and How amazing it would feel to lay in bed and watch an SVU marathon right now.

Loving: a lot right now. While newlywed life is never blissful, I'm just loving that our relationship is strong and can endure all things. At the very end of the day, I'm with my best friend in the world and that's enough for me. The life we are building together is still taking baby steps, but I know all the pieces of our final puzzle will come together in due time.

Looking Forward To: The Holidays, duh! I love being able to slow down for a bit and spend time with my family and friends. I have a week scheduled off for Thanksgiving and we are given almost 2 weeks off for Christmas/New Years. So I may be also looking forward to all those vacation days...just a little bit.
Can't wait to get our Christmas Tree (too soon?)

Wondering: If Florida will ever stop being a complete embarrassment. I highly doubt it, but I guess you'd think that if you're the laughingstock of every election then you would at least get your act together sometime soon.

Cooking: Low carb meals. blah. Every few weeks Jason wants to eat healthy during the week days and coincidentally I want to eat more and more sweets. I'm looking forward to trying these this week:


Disliking: This little sickness I've got going on. It's needs to GO! Which is exactly why I want to cure it with Chicken Noodle soup & that SVU marathon.

Happy About: that despite crappy work days (like making a leeetle mistake) that I can come home to our house, eat a delicious home cooked meal (with wine) and cuddle up with Bailey and Jason. It makes the bad days seem bearable.

Excited About: all of the amazing things my friends are experiencing. It is Weddings on Wedding on Weddings in my group of friends, and I'm not hating. I just wish one more friend would be the next one engaged, I'm looking at you S! We LOVE Weddings.

Wishing for: that damn money tree to grow in my back yard...


  1. It's pretty funny that B Spears is on that cover too. haha

    I'm totally looking forward to the Holidays too.. Can't wait to start decorating!

  2. Smooches to YOU pretty lady. I can't wait for the holidays!

  3. Feel better and send me seeds off your money tree once yours starts blooming. K thanks! :)

  4. LOVE that dress. You look amazing:) I'm soo ready for Christmas already. Hubs hopes to be in the new house at the start of December so it looks like I won't be able to do much decorating until then.

  5. It is NEVER too soon to start thinking about Christmas!! :) I've been talking about it for a while now.. haha and yes, when you find that money tree, could you share, please?


  6. On snap, way to call me out!

    I don't think either of us could afford to be a bride or in another wedding party next year so I'm taking a backseat to this one. You know, because I'm always thinking about others. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I don't have a ring, lol ;)

  7. Aw, can't even wait for the holidays!! So excited! And right there with you in having to get your hair done!!
    xo TJ

  8. Love this! (Thanks for the shoutout girly!!) ANd now I'm craving chicken noodle soup. Oh my yum!!

  9. What a great idea for a post! And those shoes you are wearing in the last picture...amazing!


  10. From a fellow Floridian, no, we will never stop embarrassing ourselves. ugh

  11. **GASSSPPPP** Those nude shoes! I love!
