Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dear Santa...

I promise I've been really nice this year, and just to take the burden off everyone...I've turned to Pinterest to help put together my little wish list. Thoughtful little one, right?

It's a shame that my gifts get more and more practical as I get older. I'm still a little girl at heart and would LOVE for a little puppy...but that's a long shot.

1. Giftcards: As much as I loate gifting giftcards, I loveeee receiving them. It takes away all of my shoppers remorse when I step up to the line at F21 and swipe my giftcard. A girls always needs new clothes, amiright? The JJ's giftcard is for my work lunch breaks, it's my favorite lunch spot. 

2. Monogrammed Goodies: You ladies already know this, but I cannot get enough monograms in my life. A necklace is topping my wishlist (and I believe has already been purchased-eeek) but a monogrammed maybook planner is a close contender. With my friends getting  married left and right, I need something to keep track of all the fun! 

3. Bully Pup: Bailey needs a lil' friend. I need another scrunchy face to love on. That pretty much sums that up.

4. Home goods & K-cups: We need a Master Bedroom update - our current bedspread is so drab. We do already own this style for our guest room (in teal), and we L.O.V.E. it. It's so comfy! I'm hoping we can add this gorgeous champagne bedspread to our Master. The Mint Floor cleaner would be another amazing addition to our house. Our house is 90% tile floors. And let's face it, a bi-weekly maid service is one pretty pricey christmas gift! Lastly, K-cups...you just can never have enough of them.

5. Comfy & Cozy Slippers: I saw these bad boys at Target over the weekend and cannot stop drooling over them. p.s. They are pink on the inside. Yes, yes, and yes! I want to relax on the couch with them all day long. I think Jason took the hint ;)

So there is my little wish list. Of course, there are a few more things I'm swooning over... like these lovely ladies:
but we allllll know that's not going to happen.

What's on your Christmas list this year?



  1. Love your list!! My besties just bought the black TB boots!

  2. I love gift cards too! I like getting to pick my own present! And I have slippers on my list as well... along with a rose gold watch and a few other fun things!

  3. The bad part is that you won't be able to use the JJ's giftcard once we move to the new office. Can you believe that we'll have to travel and deal with parking just to satisfy our JJ's craving. THAT should be illegal.
