Friday, October 12, 2012

Fantastic Friday!

Hey girl haaaaay.
I'm talking to you, Friday! So glad you came to the party.
Can't wait to get this day over and really enjoy hanging out with you.

Dear you pretty ladies, you're sweet SWEET comments on our wedding video melted my heart. Thank you so much, they mean the world to me. And you know what, you mean the world to me. Thank you for the love! 
Dear GIF Tumbler websites, I don't really even know if that is the what you're called. Here's the thing. I love you. I pass so much time checking up on you. Please don't ever break my heart. My all time fave is #myfriendsaremarried. Check it out.
Dear Football season. you are wearing thin on me and my organs. Specifically that little liver that I have working inside of me. I'm tailgating this week, and then I swear you and I need to take it easy for a bit. Okay? I'll be seeing you ladies tomorrow morning :)
And you, too Whitney. holllla
Dear Best Buy, BOO to you! Still no word on my iPhone. 
Dear Jason, I'm super sad you won't be tailgating with us. Your undying love for the Gators comes before your love for day-drinking. I really don't understand, but then again you probably don't understand my undying love for RHONJ. 
Hope you ladies have a great weekend! Don't forget to link up with us! 



  1. I've been perfecting my moves like Jager, I hope they're the right ones. Lets do this damn thing.

    PEE ESS... BOOOO Jason. Who is going to carry all of your shiznat?

  2. Can't wait until tomorrow. I can't believe UCF won't let us get there until 12. Do they realize our champs needs to be consumed prior to noon. It's not a brunch drink for nothin'.

    Can we please find those guys that were dancing last year? I need to steal from skillz. HOLLLAAA

  3. I had just had a conversation with myself about how productive I needed to be today at work and then you want to bust out with #myfriendsaremarried.

    My day is officially over. I love my life.

  4. No, seriously. This better never end, I can't get enough of these!

  5. Haha Umm, I already clicked over to myfriendsaremarried and i MAY not get anything else done today at the office. Crap!!! ;)

  6. You will have fun at a Ladies tailgate!!

  7. OMGGGG that picture of Teresa is hilarious! I can't stop laughing!!

  8. I understand your love for RHONJ!!!!! I'm obsessed :)

  9. Sometimes I can't believe how crazy Teresa is!! I'm obsessed as well!! My fav is beg hills tho!

  10. new[est] follower from the link up!
    loved your letters!

    stop by sometime!

  11. You are gorgeous- I love that snapshot of your wedding!

  12. I'm dying over that picture of Teresa!
