Thursday, October 25, 2012

I'd PIn that!

Last week I came across these two little beauties, Steph and Katie, new link up idea, and I!
Do you know how many pins I've pinned on Pinterest? (say that three times fast)
And, how many of those have I done?
generously speaking, 10
This linkup (I hoped) would be my little kick in the bootay.
....except this week I was bogged down with crafting my work halloween costume.
Which, btw, I can't find on pinterest anywhere.
so, instead of crafting this week, I'll be eating. 
and that sounds like a fair trade-off to me!
I pinned this Pot Roast a few weeks ago

It looked so good, but I didn't realize until later that it was a Crockpot recipe!
Which is define as "Winner" in my household.
Not only is it a Crockpot recipe, but 4 ingredients!

I snapped a picture as soon as I put it all in at 8am

and true to fashion, there is NO after picture. Because we were soooo ready to eat it.
Please note: the house smelled phenomenal when we walked in!
Now, I'm off to Pinterest to find inspiration for next week! 


  1. That's awesome! 4 ingredients? My favorite thing to hear. I just put a bunch of things related to completing pinterest projects and recipes on my bucket list. Although I'm nowhere near 1000 pins.

  2. And instantly, I'm starving. Or maybe that's because it's almost lunch time.
    Also, only I would not think to use an actual Pinterest recipe for this link up.

  3. i'm adding this one to my list of things to make...easy and lookds DELISH!! yum!!

  4. Yum this looks so good. More proof that I need a crockpot.

  5. Yum yum! 4 ingredients is right up my alley as well woman. Thank you for linking up with me and Stephers!

  6. 4 ingredients?! Amazing! I am definitely going to try this!

  7. Amazing!!! I don't think I have ever actually made something I pinned :)

  8. This looks absolutely delicious!!

  9. Crock pot. Minimal ingredients. Leaves the house smelling like a gourmet chef was there. WINNER in my book!!!

    I NEVER get an "after" pic either because it's halfway in my stomach by the time I realize I should have snapped one lol.

    Thanks so much for linking up with us!! See ya next week for round 2!! xoxo
