Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Journey of my Life!

Today is a hard day for me, 
it's the day the greatest man I've ever known passed away.
RIP papa.
I happened to be listening to my favorite station on Spotify, Pistol Annie's. When a song came on talking about the things his Grandpa taught him. Tears started streaming down my face. 
It made me think about my own personal journey, and how much I've changed.
It certainly hasn't always been an easy one. My seemingly perfect childhood came crashing down with my parent's divorce in highschool. I've gone through bad friends, worse boyfriends and strained family relationships. 
All of these live lessons just taught me how to keep moving on. 
After attempting college, I felt like I was a tad trapped. I remember telling my mom I wanted to take a break from school. Her response "If you take a break, you need a career not a job". That I did. 
I landed a 'dream job' (aka career) that let me discover who I really was. It allowed me to travel,  became more independent, and I saw how much I could handle. After three years, I knew it was a now-or-never school opportunity. 
I wanted to have a degree by the time I was 25.
I quit my job, headed home and dived full speed into school. I started hanging out with my old highschool friends that still lived in the area. Which led me to reconnect with Jason, and well, you all know how that story ended.
Things definitely aren't easy by any means. I catch my self (almost daily) dwelling in the 'have nots' instead of rejoicing in what I have. The only difference between my life now, and my life in my early 20's is that I have someone to share this journey with.
It may not be easy, it most certainly isn't perfect, but it's ours. 
While I have a heavy heart today for my own reasons, my thoughts and prayers are with one of my dearest friends who lost her Papa a few days ago. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for your loss, your strength during this is inspiring. 
 I saw this quote somewhere and thought It'd be perfect. (wink,wink)
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.
also, for the record, the first week of October sucks.


  1. thinking about you girl. it's hard to realize it in the moment sometimes, but there is always a bigger plan for our lives. you're right, everything happens for a reason! I love that quote picture you posted. so true :)

  2. <3 Love you lots and I think you're pretty damn amazing. Thinking of you and your papa today!

  3. I really needed that last quote today--I'm at a rough patch in my life and it's so great to see little, unexpected, reminders that God has a bigger plan.

  4. Hugs to you today girl! I was just thinking the other day that it's funny how life has a way of working things out and putting us right where we need to be sometimes. Love ya!

  5. You are so amazing. I wish I could put you in my pocket. I will send you many happy thoughts and prayers today, lovebug.

  6. :[ I feel for you today.
    My heart is with you, and with your friend. Losing someone you love is never an easy thing.
