Friday, May 4, 2012

Cinco de Mayo

I mentioned this on Wednesday, but my Cinco de Mayo plans include, but aren't limited to: some friends, our pool, a palmtree cooler, mini sombreros, coronas and skinnygirl margs.  Therefore my outfit of choice is this little number: 

Finally found a bathing suit, thanks Target!

We'll of course also be watching the Kentucky Derby and The Orlando Magic do horrrrrrible in the playoffs.  Here are some cute pinterest finds that I'm thinking of doing for the day

The boys always ask Jason if I can make my 7-layer dip, I'm thinking of sprucing it up and doing it individual style - love these.


and most likely these too:


What are your weekend plans? Do they involve Cinco De Mayo? or the Derby? 


1 comment:

  1. Those little popsicles (margarita-sicles) look delish!

