Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fifty Shades of Obsessed

How tired are you of hearing me blog about my obsession with Fifty Shades? I know you wouldn't believe me, but it's kind of died off with the third book of the trilogy. I plan to finish up the last of the 3rd book this weekend at the beach!

Anyways, back to the point of this post. I'm seriously all kinds of obsessed. It something that is always on my mind.

For starters,  I like to mentally cast the movie....everyday. Do you guys do this? Or, am I just cray-cray?
don't answer that. 

Here are my picks for Christian and Ana

Yea.... tell me that's not PERFECT! 

Over the weekend, our amazing waiter at Ocean Prime happened to be wearing a grey and silver tie. So, what did we do? We talked about his tie sooo much, that the guy not only gave us a spare tie...but also the one that he was wearing. 

Later that night, Steph clearly made a point to pose for fifty - you know making sure to bite her lip too.

That's normal, right?

And finally, the other reason I'm obsessed is that I can't stop watching this video. It cracks me up for some reason.

Watch and enjoy girls!

Only one more day until the weekend


  1. I just jumped on the bandwagon last night!!! haha I love who you have casted! Lordy Christian is yummy! haha! Definitely and interesting read to say the least!! xoxo!

  2. I'm almost finished with the 2nd one and love it! I hope they cast him as Christian!!! He'd be perfect!

  3. Umm...who is that sexy man?! Oh my goodness gracious he is BEAUTIFUL. Out of all the pics I've seen for Christian that's probably the best one!
